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Frequently asked questions

What are the different sizes of Correct Toes?  How do I figure out my size?

Correct Toes come in four sizes:  Extra-SMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE.

Unlike many other foot products, the Correct Toes size you require does not depend totally on your shoe size. Instead, the Correct Toes size best suited for your individual toes depends on the width of your feet, the width of your individual toes, and the degree to which your toes are already splayed, or spread. Your Correct Toes toe-spacing appliance should not "bunch" between your toes—this would be a sign that your Correct Toes toe spacers are too large. Your toe spacers should not pinch your toes, either. Toe spacers that pinch your toes are too small. Correct Toes can be further customized for a wide variety of feet.


Some people may need to start out in a smaller size and move up to a larger size as foot adaptations take place.

In most cases, we find that the LARGE size works with individuals (95% men) who wear a men's size 44,5 shoe and higher.


If you think you might be in-between sizes, you can send us (post@happytoes.de) a picture of your feet.


Please contact us if you have further questions about Correct Toes sizing or customization.


How are Correct Toes different than, say, a pedicure set?

A pedicure set is designed for just that – a pedicure. It spaces the toes so that, while the person is seated, nail polish can be applied. Pedicure sets are not intended as a therapeutic device. It spaces the toes to an arbitrarily wide position for temporary use. Correct Toes, on the other hand, actually place each toe in the CORRECT position, both in relation to the ground and to each other. After a break-in period, this position can be held for a long time, and doing so will benefit the user. Also, Correct Toes are designed and intended for use in footwear, during daily and athletic activities. This would certainly not be comfortable or safe with a pedicure set.

How are Correct Toes different from other toe-spacing products, like Yoga Toes?

All other toe-spacing products on the market are designed for use while barefoot and while sitting (non-weight-bearing). They are bulky, and it would therefore be impossible to use them while standing, walking, or in shoes. Correct Toes are the ONLY product that is specifically designed to be worn in footwear and during weight-bearing activity. This is essential for attaining the best possible results in making actual changes to the foot and alleviating foot problems. The material is light-weight, soft, comfortable, and durable. Also, Correct Toes do not arbitrarily space the toes.

Correct Toes were specifically designed by a podiatrist (Dr. Ray McClanahan) to space the toes in their optimal positions, both in relation to the ground and to each other.

Anyone with diabetes or with diminished sensation of the feet should NOT use Correct Toes. Also, anyone with diminished circulation (peripheral arterial disease or “PAD”) should NOT use Correct Toes. If for any reason you are uncertain about whether you should use Correct Toes, you should consult your holistically-minded healthcare provider.

When can I expect to see results?

Of course, it will be different for different people. It depends on many factors, such as a person’s age, how often Correct Toes are used, level of physical activity, how often appropriate footwear is worn, etc. Most people experience some relief right away, with continued positive results over many months. For architectural changes to take place, some time and dedication is required.  For instance, in attempting to reverse a bunion, SOME movement of the big toe will likely be visible within a few months. Further progressive changes will continue over many months or years. Ultimately, it is an investment in life-long good foot health!

How long do I need to wear Correct Toes?

Think of it this way. It took a lifetime for your feet to conform to overly narrow footwear. Over many years, your foot shape changed. Subsequently, all the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues associated with standing, walking, running, etc adapted, or mal-adapted, to this slow change. It is certainly possible to un-do these negative changes, but it does not happen over night. Just as the negative changes took a long time to develop, so too will positive changes require some time. You should anticipate on wearing your Correct Toes for many years. Positive changes will occur sooner than that, but continued use will assure on-going natural foot health.

Can I walk or run in Correct Toes?

Yes! Having spread toes while running and walking is great for the feet and whole body. It also feels wonderful. It is VERY IMPORTANT that the shoe is wide enough in the toe box to incorporate Correct Toes without pinching or rubbing. To test your shoe, take the liner out and stand on it. If any part of the foot hangs over the liner, then these shoes will not work with Correct Toes.

Are Correct Toes customizable?

Yes! Here are a few examples: (Click here for our illustrated modification chart.)


1. Correct Toes are designed to allow you to progressively increase the space between your toes. This is accomplished by using shims (small pieces of EAV material) in the spaces between the 1st & 2nd toes and the 4th & 5th. You can use 1, 2, or 3 shims in each, depending on your personal needs. As always, any changes should be implemented slowly and progressively, so that your body has ample time to adjust.


2. It is possible to decrease the space between your fourth and fifth toes. This may be useful if: the 5th toe (“pinky” toe) is pushed out too far (this occasionally happens for some types of feet), or to use Correct Toes in shoes that are almost, but not quite, wide enough. To accomplish this, start by cutting ½ of the small interspace along the vertical plane. This will diminish the space between the last 2 toes. If necessary, the whole 4th interspace can be removed. Correct Toes will still work quite well.


3.  Need a bit more space for your toes? Simply use a hole-punch on the first and/or fourth interspace. This increases the stretchiness of Correct Toes.


Also see Modification video.


Should I wear Correct Toes with my orthotics?

Correct Toes eliminate the need for conventional orthotics in most people by enabling your foot arch (i.e., your medial longitudinal arch) to support itself. (Read more about natural arch support). In general, we DO NOT recommend wearing Correct Toes in combination with orthotics; we instead recommend weaning yourself off orthotics—slowly and progressively—when introducing Correct Toes. Correct Toes are, by definition, an orthotic, though conventional custom orthotics are placed under your foot arch (instead of between your toes) and attempt to alter foot position by using an unnatural methodology (i.e., by propping up your foot arch).

In other words, custom arch orthotics are not natural in any way. In fact, they violate the natural anatomy of your foot’s arches by artificially lifting them and placing material under them in a manner never seen in nature or in human-made structures, such as arch bridges. They may, initially, help gain a more natural foot position, but they do so artificially and the results are temporary. Our toe orthotic, Correct Toes, supports your foot’s arches in the exact manner nature intended, by placing your toes in their ideal natural alignment. So here we have two different types of orthotics attempting to do the same thing: one violates the natural anatomy of the foot, the other provides natural alignment to the foot and toes, and thus balance and support. Correct Toes are particularly effective in enabling optimal foot health when used in combination with a completely flat shoe surface (i.e., when they are worn in a shoe that possesses no heel elevation, toe spring, or motion control features).

While most people do not need orthotics if they use Correct Toes in footwear that allows proper toe splay, there are a few rare individuals who, even with Correct Toes and proper shoes, may not be able to restore their own arch structures simply by using their foot naturally. These few individuals may, in fact, benefit from Correct Toes AND orthotics. In even rarer cases, where the combination of Correct Toes and orthotics does not restore foot arch structures, a surgical procedure on the ankle may be warranted. Of course, Correct Toes should be worn after this surgery to help maintain proper toe and foot alignment.